have you ever been accused of being self centered and sloely interested in yourself? if so by whom? and were they justified in it? or were they just a little jealous ?
No way I admit myself I�m selfish but I do it in a nice way, so no one has ever noticed it, hehehe.
Oh apart from my younger sister but she�s the only person I truly speak my mind to though!!
Morning all,i don`t think its wrong to be a little selfish occassionally.We go through life caring for others.Sometimes we need to say hey,what about me.
Yes. My first ever boyfriend (the t0sser!) told me I was selfish and it really bothered me. I was very young and naive at the time and went out of my way for everybody, much to my own detriment. So it bothered me for ages.
Then I grew up and now I couldn't give a sh!t. :o)
It's fine to put yourself first sometimes, as nobody else will. And so long as it doesn't hurt the ones you love then it's ok.
Mary: Tell me, Edmund: Do you have someone special in your life?
Edmund: Well, yes, as a matter of fact, I do.
Mary: Who?
Edmund: Me.
Mary: No, I mean someone you love, cherish and want to keep safe from all the horror and the hurt.
Edmund: Erm... Still me, really.