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How do you adjust a watch ?

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whiffey | 20:44 Fri 26th Oct 2007 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Following on from a question of Potter Minor, I got to thinking, and realised how grateful all you ABers would be if I shared my fleeting thoughts with you. I just bought a watch, and according to the 130 page manual the way to set it is to move the hands to the correct time. Am I missing something here ? This is worringly simple.


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Whoops that should have been worryingly, soz to have annoyed you.
I would read the urdu section of the instructions, there may be more information you could have possibly overlooked...
Question Author
Thank you for your answer cazz1975. I am feeling particularly rejected today. I don't actually give a fart about watches, but I do yearn to be loved and accepted. I want a hug.

Have a hug whiffey :)
consider yourself hugged whiffey, I notice your thread has not died a death!!!! so what happened to mine? i am still in a great mood though!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!: ))))))))))))))))))
some more cry for help posts may be useful in drumming up some attention, failing that and go troll for the night and insult everyone, that would be attention guaranteed.

if that doesnt help a walk through the graveyard to the off license for some "breaker" lager (the tramps choice 2007) will put a spring in your step if nothing else.

Im feeling your pain.....
Question Author
It's great to be hugged, and thank you beads and dotty, I feel a lot warmer for your affection.

I think we should build up to the biggest group huggie that the internet has ever seen.

{{ biggest group huggie of all time }}

whiffey, that is really sweet - let's start a group hug! should you start a separate thread so people are aware? :)
Oh god whiff you have been hanging around for far to long with me on here aint you, you are begining to misspell.
Oh my god the whiff mans not perfect anymore he is flawed.

Anyway you dont read instructions on how to adjust a watch you just give it a good thump and hope the hands on it slot into the right time zone.

Of course that does not apply to these new fangled didgital watche fingys all you do wiv them is get one that automatickly adjusts to gmt time and then you are laughing in croyden (that sounds like a film) and then you can get on with doing what you do best whiff my man you little grave whisperer you.
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Hi wiffey, how's you keeping my love, take care, megan. xxxx
Is it a digital watch or a wind up merchant ? If it's the former, you will not have to do anything other than check that the hands actually move (as per kronos - as opposed to kairos - time). If they don't then there is a large possibility (like 95%) that there is no battery installed - check the box for the missing item.... However, if the watch is of the latter sort, then you may well have to actually *wind it up*...... there should be some sort of little gizmo (wheel) on the side of the watch. There is another sort of watch though - an automatic, which never needs winding up - could it be one of them ?

Where did you buy this *watch* anyway, Ratners ? (talk about no after sales service, doh .....)
Nice one juggs I think that you have out whiffed whiffey and anyone that can do that has my seal of approvally (ok I cant spell but you know what I mean)

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How do you adjust a watch ?

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