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up for sale

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jcameron | 07:51 Tue 30th Oct 2007 | ChatterBank
3 Answers
If a factory / company goes up for sale, and there are no buyers, and eventually the company runs out of money, would employees, especially with the new landmark ruling whereby if a company has more than 100 employees, would the employees still be entitled to 90 days notice??


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this needs to be asked in either business & finance or law perhaps?
3 months notice?

Never heard of an employer being obliged to do that
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A recent landmark, court decision, has made it harder for employers to suddenly close workplaces in britain, before the ruling employers were able to dismiss their entire workforce with just a few weeks notice, if they felt that the factory or business was uneconomical, but the ruling now states that any employer who intends to close down a business that employs over 100 staff must give the staff at least 90 days notice.

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