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Shepherds pie

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Petal~flower | 13:22 Tue 30th Oct 2007 | Food & Drink
12 Answers
Have never cooked one before. (vegi) but going to attempt to cook one for my sons, (now ex vegis)!

Anyone got a quick easy way for me to make one.

Not sure I even brought the right mince. Lean steak mince?

Replies asap please



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It does not matter what type of mince you use.
My sons too love shepherds pie and I put a tin of baked beans in with the mince.
They also love the mash potato on top, topped with cheese.
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how long do I cook the mince for funnygirl? Do I have to add gravy or water?

what I do is fry of mince and onions with an oxo cube, salt and pepper etc. You can add beans or carrots and I make up a bit of gravy so that it is nice and juicy. At the same time I cook the potatoes and mash them. Once the mince is cooked I put it in a dish with the potato on top and fluff it up with a fork. Then stick it in the oven to reheat it when you need it.

Good luck!
cook the mince until it is brown and the onions until they are soft!
Brown off the mince and add a chopped onion and any other thing you like, I add garlic, chilli, and chopped carrot but that is just my preference. Fry all together for a minute or two then pour off the excess fat. Add an oxo cube or two and a little water and allow to simmer for 20-30 mins. Put meat mixture into dish and top with mashed potatoes then bung in the oven at 180 for half an hour or until golden (rough the mash into peaks as this makes it crunchy). Alternatively you could just top with puff pastry and turn it into a mince pie.

Hope all is well with you PF, any news on the job front? All is good with me, will send you an e-mail.
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HJT40, thank you.


When I add the oxo cube, do I add water as well? And If I cooked the mince for about 40 mins would that be OK

I am a great vegetarian cook, but got no idea how to cook meat!
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Think warpig has just answered my reply re meating cooking and water with the Oxo cube.

Thanks for that warpig. Think I have made more work for myself, cooking vegi shepherds pie, and a meat one. You should see how many spuds I have peeled! lol

Am great thanks, start new job on Thurs. You OK? Getting a bump yet? xxxx
LOL PF, loads of spuds, thats why half the time mine ends up with pastry on the top, am lazy.

Congrats on the new job, really hope it works out (better than the charity one anyway!) Actually I went to DSS yesterday to sign on, how depressing is that place!!!!! Bump still not very big, just look like I have eaten a large shepherds pie!
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lol warpig. Am sure you look great.

Drop me an email soon. love to hear from you xx
I made this one on Sunday, it was delicious!! I used lamb mince and lamb stock instead as I don't eat beef.

I did good old plain mash (butter and cream), no fancy stuff!!!

It can look a bit daunting from the ingredient list, but really it is more or less put all in one pan and simmer away until thickened and not runny.

Good luck, it was scrummy!!! fortingcottagepie_14505.shtml
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Thanks LuBlu. Will keep that one for future reference.

Must of cooked mine OK, as haven't heard the kids chucking up yet lol
Pedantic I know, but a Shepherds pie is made with lamb/mutton - hence shepherd. Made with beef is a cottage pie.
Either way, I love the spud topping with added chopped onion and cheese. The filling with a squirt of tommie puree and plenty of herb (Italian, dried mixed do the job)

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