I like that pickle!, I am very interested in the insignificant parts of peoples days..
anyway Ive had an okay day today,
got up at 6.30, had shower, got dressed
got boys up and dressed and off to the school bus,
got daughter up and ready, walked her to school at 8.40am
Had breakfast
croissants and jam, with tea
then went out shopping
came back at lunchtime, had
chicken salad baguette with a coke zero
went out to post office to send back a gadget that was a load of cr@p, got my other halfs and sons prescriptions
came back cleaned the house entirly, then cleaned out my car,
started preparing dinner,
went out to pick my daughter up from school
came home, my sons were home (partner helped them off their school bus)
just had dinner
2 baked potatoes (forgot to get a filling)
and a yoghurt
now sitting here contemplating a cuppa :D
I forcast a relaxing evening, and golf tomorrow!!! yippee