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has AB

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SKA | 16:30 Tue 13th Nov 2007 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
Become an American site or something? What's with the dumb ass surveys? they Pi** me off!!! Who cares about how many keys are on your key chain or googles 'cell phone'!! WTF!!!


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you're getting your underwear in a knot over this???

If this is all you've got to get stressed about in life, you're very lucky indeed!
to true boo lol
nobody forces you to look at them now do they?????
Question Author
there right there though!!!
From a Canadian point of view; I see both the British ads and the American ads and they don't bother me at all. I visit this site for the 'conversations'.
It's true, stewey is our resident voyeur.
..and I can clearly see what you're up to too, B00

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has AB

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