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KM Links Game - November week2 Results

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seekeerz | 07:13 Mon 12th Nov 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
24 Answers

Too early for even the keenest of our flock to be out and about, buying newspapers and solving the Herculis, but as I was here mulling over my failure to score anything with Queen Jan's obscurities, I took the opportunity to post in readiness for later events.

With AQ touring France, we'll see another [ possibly sarumite ] reliable soul revealing whatever it was that Kate had in mind for us all this time around.


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Thanks to all, especially Samurite.
Don't know how I got UPPER on Saturday. being a pensioner I'm not high on SPEED
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And another zero for me methinks.
I shall go into the garden and sulk.
Many thanks seekerz and sarumite for all your efforts.

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