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Octavius | 15:25 Fri 16th Nov 2007 | Body & Soul
26 Answers
Why do people wear them?

And why does China Doll find clogs erotic? Whereas Beryllium and jno get excited when you say the words�.. miu miu..?


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My mouse said DIDDIDY!!! Like P Diddy!
Your blinkin' firewall China!!! lol... xxx
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Death metal / P Diddly, more or less the same ear damaging noise?
I'm just teasing you my good fellow. I actualluyprefer listening to the delightful sounds of Vivaldi, particularly the Winter section of The Four Seasons...unless that violoinist chappie, Nigel is involved. Nasty little runt. Should be up a chimney!
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Now, whilst Mr Kennedy may in many quarters be classified as a visual catastrophe, I do offer him some merit in the line of rubbing his bow along a g-string. If anyone can play Vivaldi throughout the season, then I am pretty sure he can. If you put headphones on whilst tempering the olfactory senses, then at least you don�t have to look at him, merely enjoy the mousey squeaks emanating from his tool of trade.
I happen to know Mr Kennedy intimately, and very much enjoyed the mousey squeaks emanating from his tool of trade.

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