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Friday...wooo hoo!

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Beads | 22:40 Fri 16th Nov 2007 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
It's the weekend...happy weekend all!


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yep, a lie in tomorrow, that will be nice
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Agree - no assault on the lugs from an alarm! :)
: ( nope, not got a weekend til the first week in feb 2008, but wish you all a great one : )
lol dot no wonder you have a lot of holidays, I would too if I had to work weekends :O
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we've just been told that we are getting 6 weeks holiday now, but we have to use some of the days for christmas day and the bank holidays. i work most bank holidays anyway, so now it i work them i will get another day off but only work for time not time and a half, doesn;t sound a good plan
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Oh no Dot! I do hope you get time off during the week to compensate.

C'tin K...hope you and the Kirkettes feel better soon.

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Beads you sound like a jolly good sort of guy. I agree, happy weekend to all.

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whiffey you cheeky s0d I'm female! lol :) happy weekend :)
Hello beads , nice to see you , yes , another weekend , hope you have a good one :-) xxx
Thank God!! Rough week at school.
EngTeach - I'm watching you. Be afraid, very afraid!
Evening EngTeach , are you exhausted sweets ? Nice to see you :-) xxx

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Friday...wooo hoo!

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