"Good morning" to all my loyal subjects, hope you are all well this fine morning! Once again, this is Queen Jan the Foremost of the Shrubbery launching the third week in my reign with four more tempting links. As you may have noticed, I like to put a lot of thinking into my choice of theme, but I am not one for dropping big hints as to my chosen link words � so don't look for them! The hints are there just look a little deeper or harder. I work in a supermarket and believe that the customer should practise self-service! This has been another busy week for me. Monday saw me dressing up as a witch (no wise cracks please) for the launch of the latest Harry Potter DVD. We were giving all customers who bought it a raffle ticket with the chance to win their money back in vouchers. Most of the staff were wearing black and it looked like the mafia had arrived in town! Then, it was "All change" on Friday for Pudsey Bear and his gang. We were encouraged to wear something yellow and donate �1 to children in need. Customers must wonder which shop they are in sometimes! Still, it normally raises a smile or two, as we try to get them to part with their spare change as they leave the store. Sort of like the "mafia in yellow" this time!