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this is how i am treated

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bobtheturkey | 23:17 Wed 21st Nov 2007 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
an ab legend, one of the sites founding fathers and reduced to a grey shadow on my pic , i cant even show the masses my bread bin. i am compling an e mail to my local mp edward ramsbottom in the hope justice can be served.


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You have become bitter and a bit dull.

Hope this helps.
you are a shadow of yourself
Bob- go to your profile in SAB, then load a piccy onto that, it'll transfer automatically to the rest of AB.
I do not believe that neo's piccie is genuine, I don't think he sticks out at the front that much.
or just stay nondescript and we can all imagine what you look like!! : ))
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id settle for john major at the moment :)
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Aawww Bob! I thought you'd have a picture of Colin.x
not noticed a problem at all, certainly not with that one!!!
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had you all fooled
Fooled, how ? Bored maybe.
bob youre a star :-)
Well done Bob! Nice erm bread
Anyone fancy beans on toast ? :))

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this is how i am treated

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