I've always used 4X and 8X dvd-r disc in my PC's dvd writer. Now a 16X version of the disc I've always used (RiDisc blue) has become available. Am I likely to have problems writing to this disc - I don't like the idea of buying a 50 pack of them (more economical) to find they don't work.
Even if your writer supports the faster speed,the faster you write a disc the more you increase the chance of errors or a failed burn.
If backing up a game i know a friend who is quite happy to burn at 2x because they rarely fail.(he is tight though).
If you really need to burn twice as quickly go for it,but be prepared for a few wasted discs.
Thanks bongoboy. You're right - I've always had less duff discs when I write at lower speeds and I've always got plenty of time.
If there was a good offer on the 16X discs, I could still select to burn them though at 4X in Nero etc if I wanted to, couldn't I? If this is possible, I'd then only to have to make sure that dvd writer is compatible with 16X discs, yes?