As you'll all be aware I don't usually join these debates mainly as I don't want the penny to drop for any southerners, however I've been doing a bit of musical research lately and feel compelled to point out that all the best music comes from the north.
We've got or had:
Maximo Park, The police, AC/DC, Beatles, Oasis, Smiths, Fall, Mondays, Roses etc etc etc
You've got Chas n Dave
Anyone else noticed this?
PS My list is non -exhaustive and shamelessly starts in the north east
I've often heard that the Scots are the best crowd. While we might not have coined the phrase "Mad furrit" I'm pretty sure that it was inspired by us, after all, you northerners used to be part of Scotland, you's should all ask if they can move the border again, it's great!
Whiffey, nice attempt but, there is no recovery from your earlier posting, your cards are well and truly marked for posting such profanities on my thread