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radio 2

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4GS | 12:23 Tue 27th Nov 2007 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
I'm on it now speaking


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after the advert
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did anyone hear me?
Question Author
That's a 'no' then?
oh well
No, missed it. Was it on Jeremy Vine and if so, what was the subject?
rofl john- what were you speaking about?

And a bit of prior warning would have helped rather than a "listen NOW" command. Anyone would think we've nowt better to do than sit all day on AB and flick on the radio.

Oh I missed it too mate...was it about resisi-annie and why her legs are so terribly bendy? Or did u manage to get to the bottom of her shell suit history?
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It was Jeremy Vine,
about that teacher who called a teddy bear Mohamed in a Muslim country and wonders why she is going to get jail for 6 months
Oh john , (mwaaah) , I didn't hear it as I have just got back in , and I haven't got a radio anyway , how did it go ? xxx
did they cancel your subscription to Private Eye yet?
oh pants, I always listen to Jeremy Vine except today when I was on the phone, grrrrr.
I missed it too. That's twice you've been on the radio now isn't it?
I heard you
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Someone heard me

How fantastic was I?

only caught the end, but you sounded impressive :-)
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hat falls off as head gets bigger
Awww John I'm at home today - I usually have Radio 2 on at work, but then again, my colleague goes mental and switches station when Jeremy Vine comes on, so chances are I would've missed you anyway :(
Hi John

Sorry I only listen to TFM at work but my husband has Radio 2 on at work and listens to Jeremy Vine. I shall ask him when he rings me at 3pm to see if he heard you :o)
My dad is a radio 2 addict, he thinks Jeremy Vine is next to God. I am sure he would have heard it, so I shall ask him tonight.

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