I received a letter through the post this morning with a post mark from Malaga, Spain. This letter informs me that a company called Evergreen Security Company S.A has entered the Euromillones Loteria Internacional on my behalf and won. They will claim the winnings, �715,810.00, on my behalf and take 10% of the prize as a "finders fee". All I need to do to is send them my bank details and they will ensure the money is transfered into my account. Do they think I'm completely stupid?!
I'd hate to think that someone would actually be taken in by this scam. Should I do anything with the letter? Is there an official body which I need to make aware of the scam?
Pass it to your local police station, it might be that they are targetting your area locally - think how many vulnerable people might be taken in by this! The police / local authority can take measures to make local communities aware of the scam.
Noooooo, don't rip it up, fill it with bogus info, and send it back. Imagine their glee when they think you were gullable enough to send it back, only to find that you bank with The Bank Of Whinnie The Pooh at 100 Acre Woods.
Thanks natalie. I'm considering buying a pink elephant farm or maybe some shares in The Flying Pig Corporation.
Not to mention an entire wardrobe of the Emperor's New Clothes, I believe they're a new fashion house. LOL