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chiff | 13:48 Sun 02nd Dec 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
3 Answers
At a quiz last night, one of the questions was a picture showing a bridge. The answer given was Clifton Suspension Bridge. That it was NOT. Although the land looked like the Avon Gorge, the bridge looked like a huge circular, tubular safety pin. I realise that's not much help but does anyone know of either plans for a new Clifton bridge, a Clifton bridge elsewhere, or any other futuristic bridges?


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Sounds like another Brunel masterpiece, the Royal Albert bridge at Saltash. e481.jpg
Forgot to say. The Royal Albert is another good quiz question. It is the only suspension bridge on british railways. I know it doesn't look like a typical suspension bride, but technically it is.
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Thanks for that idea. It looked similar but was much more round - almost a full circle. You are right about the Brunel idea- it definitely had his look about it but it was pretty well what he might have designed as a fairground attraction for Disney!!

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