No this is not just another waste of time. I have fallen in love with another ABer. I have offered marriage, so far though the best I have got is ' Sod off you creep ' (this is all on MSN, can prove). I can't cope, well not as whiffey anyway, so I am leaving. Feel free not to answer this question, feel free to ostracise me and make me feel more desolate than I already do. It would MAKE MY DAY if this question got no answers at all, it would prove how much you all hate me. But, oh my love, occasional body odour, we can overcome these things.
I am going to bed as well, it's been fun, we visited the highs and lows of human experience, from Figaro to Newsnight, we gently fingered and sniffed the moist cotton.
Not baaaaaaaaaaaad, just offensive at times and there really is no need for it. I've never been nasty to anyone on this site so don't expect it in return.x