Unfortunately I'm going to have to quote you selectively, you "have not argued against most of my analysis of WW2" then it's interesting to note that at no point prior in this discussion have you chosen to disagree with the statement that "the Germans overstated their kill rate in the Battle Of Britain" if it's the case that they did (and they did) then they are by definition liars.
Furthermore despite being armed with a NUMERICAL superiority and more experienced pilots it did'nt serve to win them The Battle Of Britain nor did it allow them to achieve success in Africa.
In terms of the expansion of the debate (as is often the case on this site) my further posts were in response to other (more polite)correspondents.
I find it remarkable that I should become embroiled in an impassioned discussion about the endeavours of the Condor brigade in the Spanish Civil War, in a question about WW2, which only served to make them fare better in defeat.
We did defeat Germany in 2 world wars and they were the aggressors (our treaty obligations to Belgium forced us into WW1, and Poland latterly) that you should elect to become so rude over such a minor piece of levity is really quite embarrassing for you.