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Happy Birthday dolly pond

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bigmamma | 09:33 Wed 12th Dec 2007 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
It's dolly ponds birthday today , have a wonderful day , have you got anything planned?


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Oi! gravigayboy! you'd be hard pushed to make a pearl bracelet!
Happy birthday Dolly,..Mornin Bigmamma,....Bah, morning again,....still hate em, grrrrrr,
have a great day dolly, happy birthday!!!
have a great day dolly, happy birthday!unruly
Oh Logic, you make me laugh!
It is a nice bracing morning.

Happy birthday Dolly!
Happy Birthday Dolly Pond, hope you have a great day.

Morning Logic.
Question Author
Morning all :-D xxx
Jules , are you in the dungeon sweetie?
Happy Birthday dolly! hope you have a good one :o)

Hi bigmamma and all xxx
Mornin warpig,
Happy Birthday dolly, all the best.
i was put in there last night bigmamma, i was posting and nothing was happening, hence why ther are a few double postings from me !It was still the same first thing but i seem to have re-appeared now! All very confusing cause i didnt do anything , just a glitch i think, still im back now! :-)
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Happy birthday dolly & many happy returns. ;o}

Morning again bigmamma. -x-

happy birthday dolly have a great day xx
goodmorning Bigmamma hope your well my lovely and the wall not getting you to down. good luck xxxxxx
Question Author
Glad you are back with us unrulyjulie , and hi smudge and hussy :-) xxx
Happy birthday dolly pond!

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Happy Birthday dolly pond

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