foreigners saying they head for England because it easy to avoid our legal system.. (were an island for crying out loud) how is it easy to get round our legal system ???
a foreigner running the national football team, and bringing his mates with him.. he gets the first team, his followers get the under 21s etc. the pay, �4,000,000 plus !!!!!
a bloody SCOT selling us out to europe... giving away our rights and regulations. the same scots and his people are allowed free medecine and a long list of other things that us, the English have to pay for....
someone tell me im being irational. someone tell me im wrong ! (but please, make it a good reason !) Scotland.... tell me what you get for free that i have to pay for..
lol, beta version just blew my IE out the water and I cant access IM on sports AB cos its running like a wonky donky, sh*t j ust when it was gettin interesting lol !