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when was the last time ..........

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rugeleyboy | 13:36 Thu 20th Dec 2007 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
you did a good deed ??

and did it make you feel good?


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I do good deeds everyday RB and it makes me bloody tired!!!!!
In my work I used to go out of my way to 'gothe extra mile' as they say. Trouble is, so few people recognise, appreciate or acknowledge it I have turned into the cynic I am today and do a lot less of it. What you have just reminded me that I dont do enough of is to say thanks when somebody does something nice for me.
on tuesday was my last good deed! lol. for one of my neighbours and yeah i feel good because I know her two girls wont be heartbroken on christmas morning! The thanks doesnt matter (even though shes thanked me more than enough I must add!)
I did one last week, sent a dress to an aber as she was looking for a red one, but unfortunately didnt fit her as she has massive malons :-)
Two weeks, last Wednesday.

Not really.
Hi rugelyboy - Today I suppose. I pick up the free evening news everyday fron the city centre for a couple of neighbours. There's lots of simple little things we can all do that can make a difference in peoples lives!
We hear enough on the news about 'random acts of violence' but we never hear about the many 'random acts of kindness.

Many years ago I came out of the local train station and was asked by a very small, very old lady where the bus station was. She had a very large case that she was struggling with so even though it was out of my way I offered to take her and carry her case to the bus station.

She was so grateful when we arrived that she even offered me money which I of course declined. I just thought that if it was my Grandmother in a strange town that I would be glad if someone helped her.

It made me feel great for the rest of the day.
I talk and help an old lady, Milly 93, who lives near me., She is on her own, despite having 2 sons living say 5 miles away and never sees them. But she is going to one for xmas, but for the rest of the year, she is lonely.
I gave this bird I know a pity sh@g in September because she had to identify her next door neighbour who had been dead for 3 weeks of an overdose and she was very shaken and needed her mind taken off it.
Think sympathy sh@g reads better actually reading it back there.

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when was the last time ..........

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