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Why do they do it

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topogigo | 03:12 Fri 21st Dec 2007 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
I informed some teenagers the other day how i felt about them hanging around one of my properties, they then returned the next day and smashed all the downstairs windows, that was last weekend. When i told them these facts, my car was parked on the bungalow next door that i two nights ago housed a couple that were sleeping in the local park in. Last night someone threw a stone through the living room window. just as this couple were starting to think that the world wasn't so cruel these animals had to do that. Police are a waste of time they have no power over these teenagers, they allow them to congregate around the area drinking and smoking skunk and this is the result.


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Hi Topogigo. How horrible for you to have to put up with all the damage, etc. I'm sure the police Can do something to help, but you might need to get a petition up with your neighbours. I think parents are a lot to blame when their children turn out like this. They tend not to "vet" friends, or to set a good example themselves. I notice lots of older people, such as grandparents, moan about some of today's youngsters, but wonder if they had any input in how the children were growing up, or even drung it into their own children how to act as responsible parents? I'm not all that old myself, but think that firmness and rules go a long way in helping to produce decent kids.
disgusting behavior! Do you have any idea who these kids are?
The police can do something about it, perhaps they choose not to or there wasnt any evidence it was those kids
Have you got a video camera or any way of getting cheap cctv installed so catch them on film if they try again.
I called the police the other week about a group of teenagers smoking dope and lighting fires, the police actually arrested and charged one with pocession so things do get done.
Just continue to call the police whenever anything happens, so many people give up with the police force and then nothing changes.
Because they have they morals nowadays. Or even think what upset it causes people.
How exactly did you inform these teenagers that you didn't want them hanging around your property
Sadly we have a whole generation of kids where respect for other people and authority (along with social responsibility) doesnt exist.
Remember when you where a teenager and there was 'nothing to do' - you probably didnt go around damaging property etc.
Where do we start to pur it right for the next generation?
Quoi, who was it used to smash up all those red phone boxes - can't blame this generation for that can we
Hi Paulos - Nice to see you up and about.
No youre right & I am guilty of a bit of public damage and high jinx but I would never have stolen a car or given a policeman lip and thrown rocks at fire engines - There is a change of attitude to social responsibility & asbos have the right idea but they are only a short term solution to a serious problem.
Hey topogigo,

I am sorry to hear of the hassle you have been getting.

Unfortunately nothing will change until someone decides to organise somewhere for teenagers to go that is free. This was the problem when I was a teenager, we were always being moved on by the police for making too much noise or for just being in a group. My son had the same problems. We were always skint and there was nowhere we could go and hang out.

It's the same ol same ol. The younger generation of today........blah blah blah..

I think you will find that this has been going on for centuries.

BB xx
Unfortunately its a no win situation , to get the police to react , tell them you are going to go out there and you fear there will be a breach of the peace if they don't do something, NO one needs to put up with this behaviour at all , Its high time the police and parents did something about it ,
I was walking home from work one evening a couple of years ago and two hooded lads had let a firework off across the road from me on my street. It was let off sideways and missed my legs by a couple of yards. I called the police but they had disappeared by the time they arrived.
I have like many others have got the same problem. as topogigo there is no excuse for it, its entirely due to the do gooders, children today are out of control and if something is not done we will be living ina state of anarchy in the next decade, the police position is that they so hogtied that they have'nt a chance, and neither have the rest of us if we allow the do gooders to increasingly prevent us from correcting our children when they do wrong, if we are not very careful this whole situation will become totally out of hand, with I am afraid dire consequences, free clubs are not the answer, the worst night of the week for us is Friday when the youth club is open there is more damage and abuse in our area that night than any of the abusive nights we have to endure.
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i explained to them that i would call the police to them if i caught them on the property. that is why they did what they did last weekend it has cost me 500 quid. Because i am renovating the house it is not insured.
The police have little or no power in real terms, i have some bedsits that house real problem tenants, i do organise them to keep visitors out. In one week i repaired the same door three times because a heroin addict that i had hand balled out of the property twice before broke in to have a fix, leave his syringes full of blood everywhere and sleep the night, When i told the police they said did you see him break the door down- UH!
So when i caught him coming out on the Saturday morn i got up the wall threatened him and kicked him up the arse. He hasn't come back.
Please note this is not my nature at all but needs must, if no one elsr is going to do something what can i do?
Top, it'd get my back up too if the first thing you said to me was a threat of the police - was a friendly chat not possible?
Syd - what sort of half-wit uses 'do gooder' as an insult - doing good is to be encouraged surely
paulos66 If you had as much brain as you think you have you would know that the expression do gooder is used in a derogatry sense, doing good in that sense indicates the opposite and is certainly not to be encouraged but between you and I, I suppose I must be the half wit for expecting you to know that.
top i like u so am sad to hear this

i agree skunk does cause a lot of problems ,

next time mate call the police state u want to remain annoymous and get the group moved away
if u know the parents put a note through the door explaing what their little **** is doing

also get a petition /neighbour hood watch xx

what comes around goes around - just remember that please mate xx
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Yeh red, if i do come around how far can i go?
Hi paulos66 I am afraid that i missed your earlier note about red phone boxes, yes there were idiots around at that time, but vandalism was nowhere on the scale it is now, as a society we are supposed to become more sensible and less destructive as time moves on, of course there has been vandalism for thousands of years but that does'nt mean that we have to accept it, there's lots of things that I did wrong as a child but it didn't include destroying other peoples property or abusing my elders.Talking about red phone boxes does nothing to help the situation it merely gives ammunition to these modern vandals and the last thing they need is any help from remarks of that kind. Wrong doing in the past is certainly not an excuse for wrong doing now, if we work on that premise then we have to start thinking about bringing back the stocks or maybe the birch.
Hi topogigo,
You have my full sympathy!
I live in Mallorca, as my house on the Isle of Man was damaged with a landslide and for the last 5 years I have been trying to get Planning Permission to demolish and re-build. Although empty, it remains furnished and fully locked up, but is no longer insurable.
Last night I was woken by a phone call from the police in the IOM telling me that some 'kids' had not only broken in, by smashing the door in.... but also had smashed every window in the building, mostly by throwing my furniture through them. The windows were double glazed so they must have been strong 'kids'.
I now have had to go to the expense of employing somebody (over the telephone) to board the place up..... and of course the price is high as most of the builders merchants are closed for Xmas!!!
Police say they have a good idea who is responsible... but without proof, they are powerless!
If only I could get my hands on those 'kids'!!!!
I'm sorry this has happened to you too.

My eldest son had a basketball net that goes onto the wall outside our house in the front. I have a 60x40 front garden half grass ,half concrete and this was an ideal place for him to play basketball with his mates, my back garden is very small and too close to next doors houses to play properly.

All went well until one day when I arrived home earlier than usual to find a large group of hoodies using the net and playing in my garden, when i asked them to leave as thay were trespassing they proceeded to verbally abuse me so aggresively that I felt unsafe and went into the house. As I was calling the police they ripped the net down and threw it at the lounge window! All the police said was that I was a bit silly for having the net up and that I more or less asked for trouble and did I know where they all lived, if not too bad see ya !

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