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Bridge on the River Kwai

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BillStickers | 18:15 Sat 29th Dec 2007 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
I'm watching this at the moment and what a classic!
What an unbelievably brilliant film - never get tired of it .... except for one thing.
Does it irk anybody else that one main plot theme is making the Japanese agree to allowing the "Officers" to opt out of undertaking manual labour? Is it that times have changed? In my modern time opinion the officers should have insisted upon being treated as badly as the other prisoners, especially if they were true gentlemen - not a bunch of overprivileged snobs.
please tell me your opinions...



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Col. Nicholson is a flawed hero?
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The stiff upper lip and arrogance, contrast with Major Warden's brave humilty?
I never saw the socialogical (sic) aspects of this film before.. - it was just a movie we watched every christmas.

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Bridge on the River Kwai

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