8) finding old methods of bringing this to the surface =4 10) what is the vocal sound made by a deer called = 1-4 19) you can just arrive with the answer right here = 4 33) this tradition is sometimes known as pollyanna =6-5 41) will this hail glory when used at the last supper =4-5 42) this town in utah was named after a local miner Mr Ford =6 49) a jolly nickname for Charles Stuart maybe =5-7 53) who wrote three poems in 1935 plus much much more =6-3-5 56) which term from richard 111 was used politically during the late 70s =6-2-10 Sorry I`m not doing very well I`ve googled till the cows come home please help freebi
From OED:
Roar - a full, deep, prolonged cry uttered by a lion or other large beast.
Bell - the cry of a stag or buck at rutting time.
Stags certainly roar in this part of the world but perhaps both terms are actually correct?