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When people leave AB�

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SKA | 14:28 Fri 11th Jan 2008 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
I think I remember reading a post that a person told the ed that they are leaving ab and want their account closed, why don't they just never log back on?

Btw does anyone know if accounts get deactivated if you don't use them for quite some time?


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Maybe they want all their old answers and questions deleted like when you get banned.

If you are a bad boy or giel, the Ed can not be bothered to just ban you and the offending article, they expunge EVERYTHING.

To stop the possibility of hijack.

I properly close all my accounts because I don't want people posting as me.

It also makes the site owners aware of any dissatisfaction with the service they are providing.
-- answer removed --
That is exactly what I have just said on the thread in suggestions - advertisers.

If I delete my account another 'ethel' can be created but unless the hacker knows my personal details there can be no fall back on me.

And nobody has any idea who IEthel is in real life, and nobody who knows me in real life know I am posting on here as Ethel.

I leave no accounts dormant - I wasn't referring specificallyto this one. As you can clearly see, I am still here. :)
to stop getting the news updates
When I first registered the name I originally wanted was already taken so obviously I had to choose another. Couple weeks later I was sent to the 'dungeon'. I then registered again and what do you know! The name I originally wanted was free. Lucky me ;-) So yes, when a name is deleted from AB data base, that said name is free for the taking.

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