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Regular crashing!

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speedbird1 | 17:48 Wed 04th Sep 2002 | Technology
2 Answers
For no apparant reason my p.c has started to crash very regularly,without warning. how do i find what is causing it? win 98se is what i'm using. nothing significant has been changed on the system recently.


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Do you get any error messages? If so make a note of them and post them here, it might give us more to go on.
This can happen if components in your machine are either overheating or have worked loose (due to continual expanding and contracting with temperature). Check that your power supply fan and processor fan are both operating correctly and then lift out and reseat your machine's memory, processor and all expansion cards (modem, sound, video etc) Whilst you have the sid eoff your machine, it may be a good idea to carefully vacuum out all that dust and cobwebs. Hope this helps

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Regular crashing!

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