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nvm - what does it mean?

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Ethel | 14:44 Sun 20th Jan 2008 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
I keep seeing nvm in type and text.

What the ecky peck does it mean?


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ooh ive never noticed that Ethel, in what context is it used?
I've seen it used to mean *nevermind* and also *not very much*.....
Question Author
Ah! Never mind makes sense in the context I have seen it.


*still seems stupid to me*
Noro virus malady.
Could it be ...never mind ....?
Oh dear , sorry , too slow again ! :-(
hi Ethel
lol sorry but what dose "ecky peck" mean
lol @ steg
I thought ecky peck was cute lol
mamma you knew more than i did, you youngster you
lol it is kinda cute weeal
Question Author
Eeeeh ba gum - fancy not knowing what ecky peck means, our steg.
lol sorry, but im a Scot and no very bright.
Question Author
What a laugh!
I know 'ecky thump' but never heard ecky peck!!!
Does thee come from round ere then arr Ethel?
sooooo!!! what dose it mean? dont make me have to google it lol
man, obedey is gibbering in tuchter the noo
Question Author
It is just a replacement for swear words, from a time when ladies didn't swear and neither did men whilst in the company of ladies.

lol "when ladies didn't swear" thats part of my utopia
"pecky" is a word which rhymes with "ecky" so has been used for years in Lancs as a light hearted and mild mannered exclamation of surprise or glee etc.

Much loved by my kids and grand kids etc

And of course ' eck is short for the exclamation Heck!

Much loved by my kids and grand kids etc

The next time I win the lottery I am sure I will ring "our lass" and say "ecky pecky love we're millionaires!!!"
my chico you its mate as he needs one to give me a rest
got me fckuked
i will cook him in a mo he just told me to go put me head in a bucket
i said what he said

k.f.c to you too

blasmomomy isaid

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nvm - what does it mean?

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