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Gary Glitter.

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Bewlay Bros | 19:52 Mon 21st Jan 2008 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
Is it wrong to play and enjoy the music of Gary Glitter on my stereo?


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Yes, there's clearly something wrong with you.
I don't remember him making anything enjoyable.
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As long as you are not passing a primary school at the time it should be OK .
If you're asking "is it wrong to enjoy the art of a convict?" then possibly no, so long as you can separate the two notions. I still listen to the Who with no ill effects.

If you're asking if he'd never been involved in scandal, if Gary Glitter's music is acceptable, then God no.

(I did see him in concert in Dublin's Point Theatre when I was much yonger, but not so young I got invited backstage.)
Play enjoy and Gary Glitter should never be in the same sentence again -wind up merchant !!!

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