Hi all - they all died of a very rare syndrome which affects the nervous system.
When the eldest was born, she appeared perfect in every way & when she got to toddler age, they decided to have another baby.
Whilst she was pregnant, the toddler showed signs of spasms in her muscles. They took her to G.O.S. where they diagnosed this awful syndrome.
When the second daughter was born, she seemed fine, but at two years old, the same syndrome was diagnosed.
Our friends carried on life as normal as possible, but as the years rolled by, 'C' passed away in G.O.S. aged 9 yrs.
A few years later, the same happened with 'C' & she sadly passed away aged 14.
Time passed & after a lot of soul searching & discussions with the Consultants, they decided to have another baby, hoping it would be a boy & not have the same faulty gene.
J gave birth to a 'perfect' beautiful baby boy. They were cautiously elated & hoped he would be fine. He was, until he too got to toddler age & showed the same symptoms. He had tests & they were told he had the same syndrome. Their son 'B' passed away aged 16.
To look at all three of their children, you would never have known they were so ill. They were very happy, pretty & handsome with shiny black hair & big brown eyes.
Spending time at the hospital with our friends, attending the funerals & watching them suffer was/is indescribable.
So 'No', I don't think God's kind or clever - if there is one at all.
Thank you for your kind words & nite, nite all. -xx-