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o-sexy-one | 08:32 Wed 23rd Jan 2008 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
How is Wednesday "nearly the weekend". Surely it is right smack bang in the middle between Monday and Friday?


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I think its called looking on the bright side,possitive thinking
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Would it not be like waking up on Friday morning and thinking to yourself "It's nearly Monday"
Well we are half way there!!!

It much better to have Wednesdays rather than Mondays!!!
o-sexy-one, i bet youre a real romantic, being able to work out equasions like that, Albert would have been proud of ya.
My philosophy is this:

If you worry, you die,
If you don't worry you still die, but with less grey hairs
so why worry?

I'm too old to live fast and die young so I'm gonna grow old disgracefully

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