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Do you ever get up bandy after sitting too long at the lap top?

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skyep | 16:56 Wed 23rd Jan 2008 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
Just wondered!


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That definitely said "bandy", right?!

skyep, I definitely do, sometimes if I have been sitting wonky, and I get up, I lose feeling in my leg/s, and they go from underneath me!

At the moment I am on the computer a lot, so it's a common sensation for me! x
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What needs air circulating under it Leggy?
My laptop is "stationary" too; used like a PC. Still overheats, 'cos it's rubbish, and I still experience discomfort, 'cos I don't sit the way I ought to!
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leela - must be our age! I have the lap top on a table leg & still get up bandy :0(
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Lot's of bandy people about on here! Imagine! xxx
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I am 21 skyep, and it's definitely worrying for me! x
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ooh er leela, I should see the doctor lol!!! xxx

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Do you ever get up bandy after sitting too long at the lap top?

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