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groovy chick | 16:13 Wed 23rd Jan 2008 | Music
7 Answers
What do you think a film would be like without any backgroung music?


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The lack of musical "atmosphere" certainly didn't detract from the classic "Dog Day Afternoon".
Watch any Woody Allen film - some of them don;t even have music over the titles.

There are quite a few songs that don't do background - and the opposite extreme is a 'soundtrack' containing songs that you may have heard on a car stero as someone drove past the actors while they were walking down a street.
I think you could pass a film without music, but it would undoubtedly be better with it.
Except for maybe a few exceptions like some arty film.
Cant stand Woody Allen!! How did he get all those women??????
Think I read that the new movie 'Cloverfield' has no background music (or very little). I've always been interested to see what a movie without 'muzac' might be like, so will watch it and see.
I'm sure DEAD CALM with nicole kidman didn't have any music in the background and that was a suspense thriller film.

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