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sophie_1003 | 22:30 Mon 28th Jan 2008 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
what do hth and bbs mean?


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btw happy birthday knobby! its mine on weds so excited!!
I am being intentionally critical tonight

Dot -gies a skiffy (clue in Scottish) lol

Tempest in a Typhoo Tea-Pot.
Question Author
arrghh my threads been hijacked and now there a bombardment of anacronyms and they're very confusing for my little brain! ah well ill add my own, just have to think of one....... IMBOW!!..... everybody better remember!!
Buy it is a done with a smile In my heart
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If Im honest, I have stopped noticing the HTH footnotes..
Question Author
hee hee yup! 21st woohoo!!
LOL! Happy birthday Knobby - x.
Happy birthday for Wednesday Sophie. x
Too many abbreviations to remember, apart from hth - hope that helps.
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