Can anyone help with this please? I have a pain in my leg which I can only feel when I touch it. It's in my right calf. I have no trouble walking, turning or twisting. The only time it hurts is when touched - and it's excuciating! It feels as though a knife has been thrust in. Has anyone had anything like this before? Thanks.
Have you got any redness or the area feels hot? If you have flown on a plane recently or been inactive then you need to go to see your GP asap especially if you have any of those symptoms anyway.
If not, it may just be a pulled muscle or even a bruise. Keep an eye on it, you may develop something that will be more obvious. If it persisits your GP wont mind having a look!
Yup - had exactly the same thing only in my thigh- it was two trapped nerves in my back. I had absolutely no pain whatsoever until I touched it in a particular way and it felt exactly like a knife. I first noticed it in bed when I rolled onto it - it took me half an hour to discover it wasn't a mattress spring digging into my leg. I'm afraid I find GPs are useless with trapped nerves and I went to an oesteopath - dealt with it there and then and 36hrs later it was fine. Hope you get it sorted - it was b*****y painful!!
Thanks for those answers. I haven't flown on a plane since October and I have a fairly active job as well as playing golf at week-ends. I can do all of that without any reaction at all, but when I touch the middle of my right calf, it's really, really painful. Perhaps it is a trapped nerve. I'm not one for going to the doctors but might have to soon. Thanks again.