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Dr Robert winston

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hollie1586 | 16:13 Thu 31st Jan 2008 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
What was that series called that robert winston did a few years ago. it followed a couple through prenancy from conception to birth? anybody remember?


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Would it be: The Human Body?
Or: A Child Against All Odds?
Smudges answers sound about right

I just wanted to say that I've met Sir Robert Winston in Wembley and it was an honour to meet him/shake his hand - I totally admire him for what he has done scientifically, for mankind.
He sounds just like he does on tv, and took a moment to have a chat with me & MrJD even though he was with a filming crew & they were researching for a future programme
You could be thinking of Child Of Our Time. It was about 7/8 years ago now and each year they have carried on filming the progress of the children as they grow up.
i used to love that series too hollie - never missed it. Some parts very sad & some with very happy endings, 'specially hearing the babies cry for the first time!

Psy - I thought hollie meant the couples going through the traumas of infertility, then some of them having IVF & going (or not oging) on to conceive & give birth.

I thought Child of our Time was the different stages & progress of children growing up.

Altho' I may be wrong....
No I think youre right smudge. Child Of Our Time was the only one I could think of at the time and I know that started out following the couples through pregnancy.
I see him quite a bit because he works at one of the colleges near my work. My colleagues tease me because I never knew this and quite charmingly squarked "Ere, isn't he that bloke off the telly?" one lunchtime on our way out, it was one of those moments when you don't realise how loud you are talking, as JD points out, he is very charming and just smiled politely at me as I went a lovely shade of crimson.
>>>> Rushing in & out

I know what you mean Psy, it could have been any one of those, as Dr RW made so many programmes regarding babies & their development.

Have a nice evening all >>>>

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