Following on from naomi's question - I heard a radio report the other day where it claimed that everyone, even atheists, pray. They didn't mean in the Lords Prayer sense but that all people will say something along the lines of "Please God ..." at some time . Can any atheists out there comment on this?
Dear old Theland has the cheek of -er - the devil, doesn't he? He considers AB to be a reasonable vehicle for his tedious sermons but not a place for atheists to answer a question which is specifically aimed at them.
Ah well, I expect he gets Brownie points from his God...
Theland, let's turn your argument the other way. As an intelligent man, you know that nothing you say about your faith has any firm basis or rationality, and you're shot down in flames every time, so why do you persist? Could it be that you are insecure in your beliefs?
I do not want to say much here, but if any athiest wants to learn about existance of God then read this. But if you want to close your eyes and do not want to accept the reality then good luck to you. ex.htm
keyplus, thanks for answering. I can't see any athiests here wanting to learn any more about the existence or otherwise of God - most of them are very well read indeed and have studied the subject in great depth - which is why they are athiests. Nevertheless, welcome, and I hope you will contribute regularly to R&S.
I'd say the reason athiests refer to god etc. is simply because although they have thought rationally about their beliefs and realised there is in all probability, no supreme being, it is very hard to undo the religious pummelling that you receive as a child until you can actually think for yourself and make your own decisions.
Thanks everyone - I have read the comments with interest. As someone who doesn't believe in the "sky fairy" as waldo so succinctly put it but who is not an atheist it is very interesting to see such wildly differing views. I look forward to dipping in to R&S more regularly now