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bad cold

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bobtheturkey | 21:01 Sun 10th Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
why is it you feel warm when you have a cold i have taken off 2 cardis and am down to my primark string vest and fawn slacks now


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I alternate between menopausal hot sweats and hypothermic coldness
you have a raised temperature, what film have you been watching?
What an interesting thread.
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watched deja vu earlier
I thought so, why dont you create one whifff? I will definately answer on it
Oh did you, how amazingly interesting.
oh I've seen that before
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whiffeys incessant bullying has me close to tears
doing a nice job as whiffey tonight whifffey!
I've been erring on the warm side all day today bob bob bob, we've had lovely warm sunshine in Adlington and I was able to abandon my coat with joyful glee whilst out in the park pushing my wee son on the swing and I even worked up a bit of a sweat tooing and froing up and down the hill to the bloody train station as Julie and I faffed about trying to catch a typically uselessly late Northern Rail train.
Not exactly in keeping with your topic, but that was my reason for feeling warm today. :)
why didn't you look on the nationrail site helliebobs? They often take a train off on a sunday cos of the works
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Errr yeah thanks dot bit bloody late now innit? The one bloody day they decide to do some twiddly engineering bits inbetween Picadilly and Bolton, the *******. Julie hates Adlington now :(
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well i didnl't know! I've been doing sod all allday i could have run her into Wigan for the virgin train!
Well we didn't bloody know either dot, we didn't think to check the website to make sure the trains were all running as they should bloody be and then of course we only found out when we got to the station and saw the big **** off red sign and by then it was too bloody late so we came back in time for the next train and that was late which meant Jules missed her connecting one and got home 2 hours later than planned and the whole thing has made me explode with unneccessary sweary rage!
my daughter works a few sundays a month in Preston branch and so we are used to checking, sorry i didn't get chance to think of it , I was out last night and so not around
Nooo I wasn't blaming you dotty, I should've known myself being a regular train user, but it didn't half pee me off at the time, especially as we had missed one by minutes. Luckily we had had to much of good weekend to let it spoil things.

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