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what would you have said/done ?

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corrie-anne | 14:03 Mon 11th Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
I am part of a cabin crew on a well known airline, a couple of weeks ago,whilst midflight to Gran canaria,
an elderly gent asked if there was any where private on the aircraft, as he wanted to join the mile high club.
I did not know what to say, and pretended I did'nt knw what he was talking about, whilst nearly wetting myself with laughing inside.
What would you have said . ?


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The cockpit ..........tee hee .......(titters like a child)....:-D
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oooer, i think ive started something I should'nt have.
-- answer removed --
Leg, stop being so stuffy!
I've always wanted to be an Air Hostess, as they were called in my youner days!!!

I was too short!!!!

Another you tube link.

I'm flying with these next time. :-)
Excess baggage ?

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what would you have said/done ?

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