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4GS | 17:14 Mon 11th Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
You're cultured, intelligent, and know a lot about grub so what's the answer to this? stion520353.html



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Can I have a go? I think it is because pepper is finer than salt, more like dust, so needs more holes.
That sounds stupid now, lol, I know what I mean though.
Question Author
I never thought of that!!

Cheers Ray
Cheers John, probably completely wrong answer though, can I keep the stars anyway?
Question Author
They're all yours Ray, well earned
-- answer removed --
"The salt shaker in a set usually has a differing number of holes to the corresponding pepper pot; sometimes more, sometimes less. This serves to visually distinguish the two in opaque designs that do not easily allow the contents to be seen."

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