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lamb shoulder any thoughts?

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eah | 11:28 Sun 27th Jan 2008 | Recipes
10 Answers
A lamb shoulder has just been delivered to me rather than leg of lamb!Itseems much fattier,Does anyone have a good recipe using it please as I`d like to do it in slow cooker tomorrow? Many thanks....


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Thankyou ! I did look on google and to be honest was a bit dautned by the amount of choice facing i wondered if anyone had a personal favourite.......?
I love making hot pot with lamb shoulder,
brown the lamb along with onions carrots, and swede or turnip.
place in the casserole and layer sliced potatoes, then a layer of black pudding, finish with a layer of sliced potatoes.
pour over stock and cook till all veg is tender,
I think you could do it in the slow cooker, just treat it like a casserole,
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Thank you floppsy that`s great ! I`ll leave out the black pudding though!!
jamie oliver did a rather nice shoulder of lamb ,id search his site for recipe,,it was slow cooked on rosemary bed...yummy
Got to agree, the Jamie recipe was fantastic... and think it was only last week as well.
Try searching on line or stroll past a bookshop and have a gander at it... it's in his Jamie At Home book.
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Did floppsy `s recipe- it was delicious and fell off the bone.Will now try Jamie` olivers but it mentioned lamb shanks I think as opposed to the shoulder I was using!Don`t suppose it matters though...
Thanks all!
He has done Lamb shanks in the past, but in his At Home series it was shoulder. r/jamie-at-home/series-2/ ml
Looked and looked but couldn't find the actual recipe for it on line though. It is def in the book as my wife has it. and it is planned for a dinner somewhere in the next few weeks.
Jamie's recipe was definitely shoulder, I haven't got it but my boss made it after the programme and said it was delicious
I'll second that - Jamie's lamb shoulder was brilliant. I did it a couple of weeks ago and it's much better than lamb leg. Eah, if you cook it really slow, most of the fat goes and you're left with a beautifully tender piece of meat. If you can't find the recipe, I'll post it for you - it's dead simple! K

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lamb shoulder any thoughts?

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