It's really a pretty easy job. The one area the novice has difficulty with, though is deciding how to butt the laminatea against walls. Of course a 1/4 inch space is required all around for expansion/contraction. But you probably have some kind of mop board, as we call it here in the U.S. I think ya'll call it skirting. You can leave the "skirting" board alone and then cover the resulting space with a quarter round nailed to the skirting (not the laminate!). But the best way, inmy opinion, is to remove the skirting and replace it on top of the laminate. Not tightly, of course, else you'll defeat the expansion space's purpose. I think it looks much more professional.
Additionally, trimming the bottoms of the vertical trim boards at doors must be accomplished to allow the laminate to fit neatly under. This is best done with a special saw, seen here: -Blade-Japanese-Style_W0QQitemZ300196955011QQi hZ020QQcategoryZ20768QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQ cmdZViewItem , or better yet, an off-set handle version of the same thing, seen here: . Use scrap piece of laminate laid against the bottom of the trim piece for thickness guide.
Finally, use a good grade of underlayment as recommended by the laminate manufacturer...
Best of luck!