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Make up

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chazza | 11:40 Thu 14th Feb 2008 | Beauty
5 Answers
I have a friend whose birthday is coming up and she is really into fancy/new makeup out and I need ideas of what to get her. I was thinking something like this: I/AAAAAAAAA-I/TolVzBuUfiY/s400/pd_blushing_dai sies.jpg

Has anyone seen anything similar or know of anything new and fancy out that would make a good present for a makeup fan?



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It's not particularly new, but I absolutely adore Lemon Aid. By benefit. It's to cover up eyes, it works perfectly. and I also use it as concealor, as I have basically milk white skin. Best concealor I've ever had!!!
I would second Benefit, it's quite a special type of make-up - expensive but worth it. Good tricks of having a flawless finish and some really good pamperign stuff!

The packaging is fab too!
Just re-read, it's not to cover up eyes, it's to cover up puffy eye lids and dark circles. :)
It really depends on how much you want to spend on her, but I would definitely recommend getting her some professional make-up brushes. They aren't cheap, but really are worth it.

My mum bought my set for Christmas and they were the best prezzie I had.

I will try and find out where she got them if you think it's a good idea, but they were about �35 for around 15 brushes.

Hope this helps you. :o)
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