Hi unruly, ive been freezing all day, well since I put the computer on this morning and it told me it was minus 2 outside! just gonna go for a nice hot bath
I got up this morning (blatant lie this afternoon -lol) and the gas had run out.(had emergency thank eff)
I am now pleasantly warm -I am still in my jammies with a hoody fleece on top -Ellesse -does that me a chav -lol
If I am freezing then -if I can -I knock a nip of whisky back my throat -works every time.
Right thats one hand done with the nail varnish -pink for during the week -away to do the other one -then plaster my body in lotion.Have run outta batteries for my shaver -so away to see what remote I can nick some out of -legs are annoying me -lol
sounds like you have the best idea to me Dris! I love getting into my pj's and fluffy dressing gown when im cold! I am supposed to be off out for a drink soon though, not sure i want to set foot out the house though lol
Hope you've warmed up jules! It's rubbish being cold, and I often find that once I have got cold I can't escape it, and it haunts me all damn day! I had to wait at the train station for over an hour yesterday, outside, and it was horrible! I have been chilly since, despite sitting with the fire on etc.