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so what have i missed?

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bobtheturkey | 21:57 Mon 18th Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
nothing, night


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Oh no wait, I was thinking today that i needed to tell you about something!
Who are you, and why such a cryptic question, or is it witty ? I only joined last Thursday but getting the hang of things are you one of those peeps who logs in occasionally to be really interesting but ends up just tedious. I am getting the hang of this now !
Lol, I was thinking exactly the same thing bob, it was so worth the 30 minutes it took to get my crappy laptop going :(
tea and cakes bob

thats wat you missed

hi there x
Pong, bob is never tedious, random, yes, tedious, never.
Question Author
hi pong/whiffey yes bobs i was copying knobbys great military manoeuvre from last night when he fooled people into thinking he had left, hello Dorothy
hello, i have remembered, I need to know about an Irish man, not sure exactly where he was from but he had a foreign sounding name but led the Irish in something or other in the 1920's I think. Again, not sure where quite he was from.
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de valera?
I like the word manoeuvre, bob, it just rolls off the tongue nicely :) I have to look up the spelling though.
Sorry holliebobs, the question seemed de facto dull but what should I know about it, sorry again. I don't know who the really interesting people on here. I made a judgement on face value, and it seems I got it wrong. Man I am about as confused as it is possible to be.
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have you no necrophillic activities to be getting on with whiffey you interminable dull little man, whats your favourite word bobs
Unfortunate name you have Pong, but you'll get there in the end, keep trying. God loves a trier. Doesn't help that you can't read very well though.
bob favourite word is globule, I thought you knew that :)Sometimes I like globular too, if I'm feeling a bit crazy.
Genius, thanks!
doesn't whiff go with pong - - - something smelly there
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i know dorothy :) , thats a good word bobs whats your 5th favourite
Hallucination bob. I think, don't hold me to that I may change my mind.

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so what have i missed?

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