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Ice.Maiden | 21:07 Fri 22nd Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Fake tan
No tan
Black and tan?


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Or strawberry flan? Don't like black & tan thats a horrible drink xx
oh I would love a sweet Black n Tan
(half pint)
Question Author
Awww Tigger - that's the best way. Natural.
Actually Ray....I was going to ask someone what a black and tan IS/was???? What's it consist of then?
Hello icy it is a mix of pale ale, or light ale some call it and stout, very sweet. I don't like it, give me a pint of Stella or John Smiths xx
Its pale ale and stout together apparently Icey.
I think it's a mixed race child.
snap tigger xx
Question Author
Thanks...but...pale ale? Do you mean lager???? Oh god....sorry!
In Scotland a Black n Tan is 'Heavy' beer with sweetheart stout
Lol Ray!
Prefer Black and Tan, but not totally against Liver and Tan.

"Black or liver with rich tan marking on muzzle, spots on cheeks and often above eyes, from knees downwards, with desirable thumb-mark above feet, inside hindlegs and under tail. Richness of tan may fade with age."
Light ale is definitely not lager.
No tan. Natural olive complexion.

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