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who sang this

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karlene | 19:51 Mon 11th Oct 2004 | Music
2 Answers
which artist sings this song all this time i knew some day you'd need to find something that you'd left behind something i cant give you


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All this time I knew someday you'd need to find Something that you left behind Something I can't give you All these tears And like a light love disappears But hearts are good for souvenirs And memories are forever All this time All in all I've no regrets The sun still shines the sun still sets The heart forgives the heart forgets But will I do now with all this time One more kiss Even though it's come to this I'll close my eyes and make a wish Hoping you remember All this time All in all I've no regrets The sun still shines the sun still sets The heart forgives the heart forgets But will I do now with all this time Say goodbye Apart we'll make another try But don't be sorry if you cry I'll be crying too All this time All in all I've no regrets The sun still shines the sun still sets The heart forgives the heart forgets But will I do now with all this time (Its by TIFFANY)
 All this time  by Tiffany

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