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What do you want to do before you die?

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meglet | 00:33 Sun 24th Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
Things I would like to do are:

Meet the Queen
Jump out of a plane
Spend an evening with Stephen Fry
Fire a gun
Share a nebuchadnezzar of Krug with my friends and family
Be in a film

What about you?


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Spend all my money.
live !
meet the queen ?? no way
Question Author
Well you can't take it with you chimp!
-- answer removed --
too much to mention but deffo NOT to meet the queen lol
Question Author
Her madge is not that popular I see!
pay off the mortgage so i would have more money to spend on travelling
I couldnt begin answering this as I have so many things I would like to do, no offence to the queen but meeting her wouldnt be on my list either!!
unless it was like when Mr Bean met the Queen - LOL
Same as others have posted, seeing my children grown up and happy is my main thing.

And just living my life a bit more, as I am sure like a lot I live it in a goldfish bowl.

I don't want to meet the queen either
1, Pay my mortgage off

2, Spend 4 days watching the Cheltenham Festival in a private box flying to and from the track via helecopter

3, See Spurs win the Premiership and Champions League

4, Have a massive win in the bookies, I`ve been close a few times but one day it`ll happen
well i have met the queen when i was 9, I had to jump from a plane when i was 18, I admire Stephen Fry but if I had to spend a night with him he better bring David Boreanez with him, I have fired many guns, I never hsare my ale, I havn;t been in a film but I have seen myself on the camcorder and with a soft focus I am passable.

Personally i would like before I die to go to a certain cemetary in the US and leave flowers, then I would probably just carry on as normal.
I agree with the majority. The queen certainly woundn't feature on my list either!
have 14 babies with George Clooney. *sigh*
P.S. 'have' does not necessarily mean that I would bear the babies.
Since the age of 5 (1971) I've been going to see West Bromwich Albion and we haven't won a trophy,not a sausage.
I would happily snuff it the day after we won the league or F.A.Cup.
Failing that an evening with Denise Van Outen some whipped cream and an unexpected visit from Kelly Brook.
I know which is more likely.
Boing Boing Mighty . . . . .Baggies fan here too.

Did you forget we won the Birmingham Senior Cup in 1988, 1990 and 1991.

Have faith.
spacechimp, you aint got no money dipstick

just an overdraft lol
Oh nice one Haysi!!! I'd have 14 with Fish!!
Also....I'd want to see my children grow up happy and well, and hopefully give me some beautiful grandchildren.
Write some great books.
And finally - have a last breath!
I want to go to Sand Creek Colorado,the site of the 1864 massacre of the Cheyenne indians.

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