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4GS | 10:33 Tue 26th Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
24 Answers
I'll never understand you lot, bloody hormonal creatures!!!
I did something nice and brought some flowers home for Mrs 4GS, she really loved them, then she went ballistic and I cant figure out why. I mean, they were just doing nothing on the side of the road near the pavement, it's obvious that no-one wanted them. I thought it might cheer her up after all those ambulance sirens kept us awake last night.



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aww what a lovely thought john, Im sure she is just having a bad day, she will come round!
So the cemetary wasn't open then?

Lol lol ;-)
lol. 4GS.
Maybe best if you had not told your Wife they were left as a tribute to someone.
Hope there was no card with them.
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