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Ripped Off!

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Zammo | 17:48 Wed 27th Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
Have u ever bought anything that just didn't fulfil it's purpose??


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I've just spent the last four hours shopping and didn't find anything I liked. But I managed to spend over �100, so I guess everything in my carrier bags was a rip off!!!

And now my feet hurt too!!
yes at a bloody body shop party, one of those blusher brusher when you press end bronzer comes out, yer right
a lot of stuff, namely cleaning products that make unrealistic promises
Just bought a pair of trainers on ebay - brand new and only �1 - only slight problem is that they are both for the right foot! Yes, they are going back - unless there is anybody out there who has 2 right size 6 feet!
my dad was scottish - he would have hopped until he wore it out for a �1 bargain like that.
lol Quoi - I am Scottish - that's why I couldn't resist the bargain - I did try them on to see if it was possible to wear them - how tight is that!
Annie - I wouldnt have guessed you were scottish lol - I would have got the other trainer as a present !

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