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Fancy Dress P.A.R.T.Y!!!

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mistys | 21:58 Thu 28th Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
24 Answers
Your all invited to a party round mine!
I will provide the drinks (soft and not so soft) and food!
You have to make a costume using only items from around the house. What are you going to come as???


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I already did - you just didn't see me arrive! I am currently sneaking up on a bowl of crisps..
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Wow, you lot are more creative than I imagined! I am impressed, gonna be quite a sight having you plod through my door one by one! What will the neighbours think?

Is it you yingyang that is making the vodka go down so quick?? I can't see who is drinking it all!!!
That's me, you can just see the straw poking out the bottom of my mask.

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Fancy Dress P.A.R.T.Y!!!

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